Treatment of psoriasis folk remedies, grandma's recipes head, feet and body

There are many recipes of traditional medicine, which help people recover from a variety of complex diseases. No exception and time-tested folk remedy for psoriasis. Their effectiveness sure that people who sometimes can help the medicine. Because psoriasis is not fully understood disease, which is not always amenable to medical treatment.

The sad fact is, that in the end recover it is impossible, because there is no such drug that would help with this. Although a large number of the modern methods of this serious illness, people do not stop to deal with psoriasis folk remedies. Combined drug is possible, if not completely cure the disease, to achieve long-term remission.

This is important


It is worth noting that most of the drugs psoriasis affect the hormonal background of the person and cause it to fail. In connection with the presence of many side effects of these drugs, the situation in many cases will only get worse. Does not always guarantee a full recovery, but the positive results of such treatment a lot.

Psoriasis is a chronic disease that has not yet invented a drug to help them to heal completely. Usual psoriasis treatment lasts for several months, and even years.

If we talk about folk medicine, grandma's recipes are sometimes so strong and versatile, that will help cope with the disease. Creams, compresses, infusions, decoctions consist of such components, which contribute to the regeneration of the skin and help to combat the disease inside. Box these recipes filled with the most safe and at the same time really effective recipes for cooking, which is necessary in conventional foods.

Traditional recipes for psoriasis

It is important to remember that all the national methods of treatment of psoriasis is confirmed by the doctor. Only if there are no contraindications, and allergic reactions, perhaps this treatment is beneficial.

For internal use

The use of infusions, decoctions plays a very important role. Using these methods the blood is cleaned, restored and improve the functioning of the digestive system, normalizes the central nervous system, increases immunity.

A decoction of bay leaf

For the broth, you need to take 7 medium-sized bay leaf brew 2 tbsp. boiling water and let boil medium heat for 10 minutes. Infused with the broth drain. Drink a folk remedy for ½ a Cup morning and evening for 7 days. It is the simple folk treatment of psoriasis and at the same time effective.


This broth will need the following herbs:

  • chamomile flowers - 4 tbsp;
  • St. john's wort – 4 tablespoons;
  • viola tricolor – 3 tbsp;
  • lingonberry leaves – 2 tbsp

All the herbs need to mix. One tablespoon of herbs pour 1 Cup boiling water, infused for half an hour. In the finished broth add 1 tablespoon of Eleutherococcus. Taking this medicine, it is necessary in the morning.

Infusion of celandine

This infusion is prepared quickly 1 teaspoon. the herb, which is filled with 1 tbsp. boiling water. After it has infused for at least 30 minutes, the infusion is ready for use. To drink the medicine three times a day 30 minutes before a meal. It is important to follow the exact dosage and celandine is poisonous.


A decoction of barley

To prepare this decoction, take 2 tablespoons of flour malt barley, pour 1 liter of boiling water and infused for 4 hours. Drink the strained 6 times a day to ½ Cup. The taste can be better little by using a small amount of honey or sugar.

The infusion of the roots of burdock and dandelion

You need to take 1 tbsp. l. the plant, pour 200 ml of boiling water and simmer heat for 10 minutes. The strained infusion is used in the form of heat 3 times 100 ml.

Herbal tea

This tea is made from herbs:

  • strawberry leaves – 6 tablespoons;
  • black currant leaves – 5 tbsp;
  • mug – 4 tbsp;
  • nettle – 4 tablespoons;
  • yarrow – 3 tbsp;
  • viola tricolor – 3 tablespoons

All these ingredients are mixed together. Tea you need 1 tbsp. l. the mixture is poured 400 ml of boiling water. Tea drink 3 times a day ½ Cup.

The infusion of agrimony

Preparation of the extracts involves mixing 1 tbsp. and agrimony, and 1 tbsp. boiling water. Infusion and filtered infusion taken 4 times a day, 30 minutes before a meal to ¼ Cup. With the help of this folk remedy psoriasis, cooked at home, not only can achieve long-term remission of the disease, but also to strengthen the functioning of the digestive system.

Sea buckthorn oil

Cure psoriasis traditional methods is possible, if daily use in 1 teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil, the most valuable product of nature that helps from many diseases.

A balanced diet

Not only drug therapy, and folk remedies to help psoriasis, but the diet. It is important to exclude from the menu fried foods, eggs and spicy foods. The diet should be enough vegetables, fruits, dairy products. It is important to pay special attention to the treatment of drinking water.

For external use

Using these methods, traditional medicine helps to overcome psoriasis, eliminate swelling and redness.

It is worth noting people's ointment, that really help in psoriasis.

Cream eggs


Preparation of ointment 1 egg, 1 tbsp. vinegar 1 tbsp. butter. All of these components are thoroughly mixed for 7 days leave in a cool place. It is a folk remedy for psoriasis applied to the inflamed areas of the body, over 6-10 days.

Cream lard

To prepare this ointment on the basis of these components:

  • ½ Cup of melted fat;
  • ½ Cup caustic cleaning (grass);
  • 2 tbsp of camphor.

The fat is mixed with grass, is passed through a meat grinder. Add a mixture of camphor and heated, stirring constantly.

Ointment celandine

There are folk remedies in the treatment of psoriasis, used for the first degree of manifestation of symptoms in the body. One of them is the juice of celandine. Wipe of with plaque psoriasis only the beginning of the mild form of the disease retreated.

Bath herbs

This treatment helps not only to get rid of the scaly lichen, but also all the other problems of the skin associated with irritation, rash, itching.

To prepare the bath, you need as much to get these plants:

  • sage;
  • chamomile;
  • series;
  • celandine.

This mixture of herbs pour boiling water in a ratio of 1:10, infusion for 30 minutes and poured into the bathroom, filled with warm water.

Sea bathroom

For this procedure, you need to fill the bathtub with warm water and add a packet of table or sea salt. This bath before bedtime for 7 days not only help in the fight against the disease, but also perfectly tones and nourishes the body, removes toxins from it.

Cure psoriasis, using folk remedies for 3 days.

Garlic compress

You can prepare a compress it is necessary to take a few cloves of garlic medium and turning them into a puree, pour 1 tbsp. boiling water. Infused with a couple of hours the compress is used to compress the affected areas 2-3 times a day.

Gadgets before bedtime

Using a coffee grinder, mixed with 50 g of the dried sorrel and 50 g of celandine. Turned to the powder blend is filled with birch tar. Do the compress at night will significantly improve the patient's condition.

Fish oil

fish oil is fat

Using fish oil applied to the plaques at least 3 times a day, can relieve the unpleasant itching associated with the disease.

A Folk remedy for psoriasis of the head

Not always the traditional methods can cure psoriasis. But they are of no importance, since the combination therapy in combating the disease. There are many effective recipes that will help overcome psoriasis of the scalp.

Recipe No. 1

Preparation for this recipe based on two ingredients:

  • 300 g of celandine;
  • 30 ml of dry red wine.

The grass is passed through a meat grinder, pressed to get the juice out of it. This juice is added to wine. Ready mix urine from the affected area of the skin of the head for 15 minutes. After that, the head is washed thoroughly with warm water.

Recipe No. 2

Established to lubricate the head of the alcohol tincture of celandine. It is made of ¼ tbsp. the grass is mixed with ½ liter of alcohol. A few hours, the mixture is infused, and then applied to the target. It is worth noting that this recipe can seriously damage the skin and cause irritation, so at the slightest unpleasant symptoms, the product should immediately wash the head and rinse infusion of chamomile.

Recipe No. 3

To help combat psoriasis medicine based on the ashes of the stems of wild rose. Ash only. It is necessary to burn the dry branches of the plant and collect in a clean container. Ash mixed with vaseline in the ratio 1:1 and applied ointment. Daily use this popular recipe to give positive results within 7 days. Its use the hair is dirty quickly, so the head should be washed daily with soap tar or special therapeutic shampoos.


Recipe No. 4

Excellent wound healing and anti-inflammatory substance is made of these components:

  • 1 tablespoon of honey;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tablespoon of baby shampoo.

15 minutes the product is applied to affects the scalp, and then wash off with warm water.

Recipe No. 5

There are effective recipes against psoriasis on the head to take internally. These include the infusion of elderberry. To prepare the remedy, 1 tablespoon of elderberry and 450 ml of boiling water. Elderberry is filled with hot water, infused for an hour. Drink the infusion three times a day, ½ a Cup about an hour after a meal.

Recipe No. 6

Compress based on the peanut and olive oil is an excellent remedy for psoriasis on the head. Oil mixed in equal quantities, apply massage movements to the scalp before bedtime. From above, it is recommended to use a rubber swimming cap. In the morning after waking massage the mask washes off easily with water with Apple cider vinegar.

There are some rules which it is important to follow the treatment of psoriasis in the head:

  1. Wash it is necessary to choose the recommended shampoo.
  2. Comb my hair just with natural bristles.
  3. Every day, perform disinfection.
  4. When combing hair, you need to be very careful not to damage the tiles.
  5. As little as possible to try to dry the hair.
  6. Not to resort to procedures traumatic to the skin of the head and provokes the appearance of psoriasis.
  7. Serious illness forces you to make shortcuts, which will help to carry out the necessary procedures.

A Folk remedy for psoriasis on the hands

Psoriasis on the hands is one of the most common diseases. It is very important to try to eat right, not wrong soft drinks, alcoholic beverages and don't forget the rules of personal hygiene. Equally important is to avoid stressful situations, because they are common causes of many diseases.

Good efficacy in the treatment of psoriasis can be achieved by simultaneous use of folk medicines internally and externally:

  1. Been proved as a great remedy for psoriasis tar birch. It is an excellent antiseptic, healing wounds and cleansing the skin. It is sufficient to apply the gel on the skin for at least 2 hours and rinse it after with water.
  2. Infusion of celandine, applied every day after the morning procedures, significantly improves the condition of skin.
  3. For the preparation of this medium is boiled in an aluminium saucepan milk. What remains on the walls of the vessels, the so-called. scum of the earth, and improve, has long shown psoriasis. Regular lubrication in the hands of this foam for 2 weeks gives visible results.
  4. Internal use of propolis and honey is an indispensable recipe in the fight against the disease. This is considered to be one of the most effective folk remedies of psoriasis not only hands, but also feet. To prepare the ointment it is necessary to take 50 g of propolis, 1 tbsp milk, 4 capsules of vitamin a. All these components are mixed and dissolved in the butter. Use the ointment before going to bed. It not only helps to get rid of psoriasis, but also significantly rejuvenate and moisturize the skin.

Treatment of psoriasis includes not only the necessary treatment and medication inside. In addition, it is important to take care of a healthy way of life, lack of stress, good nutrition and frequent exposure to fresh air.